The Zen Center is located in Long Island in New York.
Ithaca Zen Center is located on 60 rural acres about 8 miles south of Ithaca, NY. The center maintains a daily practice schedule and hosts retreats throughout the year.
Bodhi Manda Zen Center is a Rinzai Zen practice center located in a high desert river canyon in the Jemez Mountains, 60 miles northwest of Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Enpuku-ji is a Rinzai Zen practice centre located in a lively, ethnic neighbourhood of Montreal.The centre provides a daily schedule of morning and evening meditation in the style and spirit of the teaching of Kyozan Joshu Sasaki, Roshi.
Rinzai Zen Buddhist practice in Berkeley, California with Tokuju Genshu Chris Ro, Osho.
Located in the San Gabriel Mountains 40 miles east of Los Angeles, the Mount Baldy Zen Center is a monastic style retreat center for Joshu Sasaki Roshi’s Rinzai-Ji community.
Entsuji-Zen is a Buddhist community centered in Bainbridge Island, Washington. Together with incorporating as a nonprofit group in the State of Washington, the Bainbridge Zendo was built in 1995. Leaders of our sangha are Shozan (Dr. Marc Joslyn , ordained as a Zen priest and teacher in 1982) and his wife Myodo (Hajnalka Joslyn).
Founded in 1994 by resident priest Sokai Geoffrey Barratt, Haku-un-ji (White Cloud Temple) provides a tranquil and supportive environment for the practice and study of Zen Buddhism in the tradition of Lin-Chi (Rinzai), a prominent 10th century Chinese Master. Haku-un-ji is affiliated with a network of Zen centers that make up Rinzai-ji Inc.
Dharma Mountain Zen Center, located in the Grand Valley of Western Colorado, is of the Rinzai tradition in the lineage of Joshu Sasaki Roshi. The Center is led by ordained Osho (Zen Buddhist priest) Seido, and his wife Shunko, an ordained nun. Both Seido and Shunko have been students of Sasaki Roshi for over 35 years. Though many of the members of Dharma Mountain have practiced together as an unofficial sangha (Zen community) for many years, it was in October of 2001 that the center was formally established.
Located in Columbia.
Charles River Zen is an urban Zen group in the Boston area. We offer traditional Zen practice that is informed by the teachings of the Japanese Rinzai Zen tradition as transmitted through Denkyo-shitsu Joshu Sasaki and Mitta-kutsu Soen Nakagawa Roshis. The resident Osho is Kyō-On Dokurō, who is a dharma heir to Shinge-shitsu Roko Sherry Chayat Roshi of the Zen Studies Society and a Rinzai-ji Oshō.
Joshu Zen Temple was founded in 1970 by Kodo Ron Olsen and Myosen Marcia Olsen in Redondo Beach, California. It was incorporated as a 501c3 religious organization in 1974.
Genkai-ji Zen Center is dedicated to advancing the teaching of Tathagata Zen as taught by Kyozan Joshu Roshi, and to creating a peaceful space for contemplation for community members of all faiths.
Our origin was with a few members willing to climb through a second story window once a week to get to our zendo in a condemned building. In 1975 we organized as the Blue Ridge Zen Group, and now have a walk-in zendo for daily practice in Charlottesville.
Upper Valley Zen Center offers community supported practice in White River Junction, Vermont, and at nearby Dartmouth College, led by Gendo Allyn Field. The Zen Center and Dartmouth collaborate on an annual seminar combining Buddhist academic and practice perspectives. All are welcome, no experience necessary.
Located in Princeton.
This city centre offers a comprehensive program of daily zazen, introductory classes, retreats, study, and guidance by teacher Eshin Godfrey Osho assisted by two ordained members and senior practitioners. Growth in the decades following Roshi’s first visit in 1966 has resulted in the present facilities which can accommodate all the Zen programs.
The organization of the Zen center was founded 1979 by the abbot Genro Seiun Osho and it serves as the legal part of the Bodhidharma Zendo. The Order of members was founded in 1983 and is a member of the Austrian Buddhist Religious Society. The Order follows the tradition of Rinzai Zen as taught by Kyozan Joshu Sasaki Roshi. As of March, 2012 Kigen Seigaku Osho has been the spiritual leader of the Bodhidharma Zendo and of the Austrian Rinzai-ji Order.
Augsburg, a City in the south of Germany, has, including surrounding, 400.000 inhabitants. Encouraged by Roshi in January 2000 the Bodhidharma Zendo Augsburg was established with a regular weekly zazen schedule, guided by Hōgen.
Located in Oslo, Norway. Please telephone or e-mail for the exact address.