We are very happy to announce that Jiun Varant Arslanian Zenji will be returning to Rinzai- ji for a 5 day in-person Sesshin. The Sesshin will begin on July 31st at 4pm and end on August 5th at 9pm. It will include zazen, chanting, samu and formal meals. There will be no online portion of the sesshin- all participants must be in-person. Part-time attendance is possible but must be for a full day or a full 24 hour period.
The cost for the Zazenkai is $350 (full time attendence) or $70 per day (part-time attendance). We know that some people are struggling financially, and we want to make these offerings available to everyone, regardless of ability to pay. If you can afford more, please consider giving at a higher level to help others. While we encourage full-time participation, you may join us for as much as you can. If you need financial support or have any questions, please contact us at office@rinzaiji.org
Jiun Varant Arslanian Zenji was born in Beirut, Lebanon and raised in Southern California. In 2005, after completing graduate studies at McGill University in Montreal, Canada he moved to Japan and spent a year training at the Nagaoka Zenjuku in Kyoto. Since then he has been an unsui at Heirin-sodo in Saitama and Shogen-sodo in Gifu where he is presently the head monk.
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