We are honored to have Zengetsu Myōkyō Ōsho lead the Daruma-ki Zazenkai honoring Bodhidharma, the founder of Zen Buddhism. The schedule is from 7:00pm on Friday October 7th to 10:00 AM PDT on Sunday October 9th. It will be a hybrid online and in-person retreat including zazen, kinhin, chanting, samu and formal meals. Myokyo will be giving a dharma talk and offering individual practice meetings. For those participating via Zoom, off-line time will be built into the schedule to allow for meals, work practice at your home, and kinhin. Please register here or from the rinzaiji.org website, and you will be sent the Zoom links, the schedule, and instructions for a practice meeting with Myokyo. Those practitioners who would like to attend in person must be fully vaccinated.
The Memorial Ceremony for Bodhidharma will take place at Rinzai-ji on Sunday October 9th at 11:30AM PDT.
The cost for the Zazenkai is $50 (in person attendence)/ $30 (online participation). We know that some people are struggling financially, and we want to make these offerings available to everyone, regardless of ability to pay. If you can afford more, please consider giving at a higher level to help others. While we encourage full-time participation, you may join us for as much as you can. If you need financial support or have any questions, please contact office@rinzaiji.org
Myōkyō began her training with Kyozan Jōshu Roshi in 1980 and moved to Mt. Baldy in 1985. She was ordained as a Zen monk in 1986 at Mt. Baldy Zen Center. Myōkyō practiced at Mt. Baldy and Rinzai–ji Zen Centers in California and Bodhi Manda and Albuquerque Zen Centers in New Mexico before returning to Canada in 1995. She was ordained as an Osho in 1999, receiving the religious name of Zengetsu, and continued to study with Jōshū Roshi until his death in July, 2014. In Montreal, Myōkyō has been involved with the larger Buddhist community and in interreligious dialogue, and served as Associate Buddhist Chaplain at Concordia University and at McGill University for a number of years. The Zen Centre that Myōkyō established in 1995, Enpuku-ji Zen Centre, celebrated its 27th anniversary this year.
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