Here is a list of themes/ideas that came out of the listening circle held on July 18th, 2015. If you are interested in these themes/ideas, please check three that are important to you below. If you have other theme you’d like to contribute, please do so.

We’re hoping for sangha-led groups based on a theme/idea to emerge at the next October listening Circle scheduled on Friday, October 9th, 2015. Please also sign up in the link if you’re willing to be a point person for a specific theme or idea. 

We’ve had a few volunteer point persons come forward since July for the following themes. Please click the person’s name below if you’re interested in these themes so that you can engage in a conversation. Progress report will be presented in at the October Listening Circle. 

(1) Reach out to ordained people on the outskirts: Myokyo
(4) Women’s Council: Shunko
(5) Commitment to more Listening Circles: Gendo
(6) Conduct and Ethics Guidelines: Paul
(8) Show up for Sesshin: Sogen
(10) Participation Organizer: Genshin
(11) Communications: Kendo Hal Roth
 (12) Relationship with Bodhi Manda: Seido


Please check back to find out a point person of other themes. We will keep adding contact info as they come forward. 


Thank you for your participation. We look forward to seeing you at the October Listening Circle.


Email us here  if you have any trouble with the online form. Thank you!