Dear Fellow Practitioners and Friends,

You are cordially invited to attend the third annual Memorial Service (sankaiki) for our honored founder, Kyōzan Jōshu Rōshi, on Sunday 31 July 2016 at Rinzai-ji.  Shūnan Nōritake Rōshi will serve as officiant (doshi).

The Memorial Service will be preceded by a Ceremony of Installation (nyuji) for Shūnan Noritake Rōshi as Acting Abbot (kenmu jūshoku) of Rinzai-ji.   We are honored that Myoshi-ji has approved this extraordinary appointment.

At the conclusion of both ceremonies, we invite you to attend a Memorial Luncheon in the back courtyard catered by Ronen Levy Events and with music by Ellie Choat, solo harp.

If you plan to attend the luncheon and have not yet made a reservation, we request that you RSVP to the Rinzai-ji office either with the RSVP form below or with e-mail to <>.  Please let us know no later than Thursday 28 July.  A donation of $100 per person is requested for the luncheon.

Many thanks and gassho,

Boards of Directors

Rinzai-ji & Mount Baldy Zen Centers